About Us
Our Values
We work collaboratively to support regenerative, not extractive models for food & fiber production and land ownership. Our efforts are grounded in our communities and the land. Our work is for the greater good of all of our communities and we are united to create greater power in service to our communities.
We do this work to honor all of our Indigenous ancestors as the original land stewards. We thank them for sharing their ecological knowledge systems through generations and pay our respect to them by continuing to implement and promote practices that work with nature to heal and nourish Mother Earth so that our now degraded lands can begin to rehabilitate, regenerate and thrive.

Our Story
After decades of working towards systemic change in food and agriculture systems, we came to the realization that we can no longer wait for existing systems to change while the disparities for our communities continue to grow exponentially and at an ever increasing rate due to climate change.
We, A-dae Romero Briones, Savi Horne and Livia Marqués, founded Justice through Food as a new model to create change by collaboratively building power in our communities through groups and organizations led by People of Color.
Why Food? Food has been used as a weapon against us in various ways that continue to compound socio-economic disparities: forced cultural assimilation creates unhealthy diets and lack of physical and financial access to healthy foods results in increased malnutrition and diet related diseases for people of color. Land theft and loss directly prevent self-sufficiency. Food directly impacts our health, wellbeing, and economic viability therefore, it is through our food systems that we can build power for the greater good of our communities by returning stewards and providers of color to the land.
Our Team

A-dae Romero Briones
Co-Founder and Advisor (Kiowa/Cochiti)

Savonala (Savi) Horne
Co-Founder and Steering Committee Member

Lovepreet Kaur
Steering Committee Member

John Littles
Steering Committee Member

Livia Marqués
Co-Founder and Coordinator

Cheryl Peterson
Steering Committee Member
Our Financial Sponsors
Oak Foundation
Ceres Trust
Food & Farm Communications Fund
The Christensen Fund
Previous Sponsor